
Print White, Gloss, & Primer Basics

Printing the special inks with Roland printers requires design knowledge and VersaWorks knowledge. After learning the basics, experience will be required to troubleshoot the many materials and effects that are available and understand the applications. Starting with White: White can be installed on both EcoSol & UV Roland printers. The design process is the same for…


DO NOT use Center on Media when doing a Print-Lam-Cut Workflow.

Issues with Crop/Cut alignment on Roland printers is often operator error and not something that needs a tech visit. The first line of defense can be adjustments to settings. The other issue of this blog entry that is often hard to identify from phone support is the dreaded [Center on Media] check box in the [Format…

Moving Your Printer

I get enough calls regarding moving a Roland printer that I think a quick write-up is needed. What follows will outline the procedure to use if moving your printer down the road or across town. If you are moving across country you may require a crate and perform a “pump up” and I suggest you…

Troubleshooting Cut Problems

Cut problems can be catagorized into a few categories: User error – This includes design, VersaWorks and machine settings and operation, and workflow not adhering to best practices. Machine Maintenance Issues – Dull blade, damaged Cutter Strip, old blade holder, cracked or worn pinchrollers or linkage parts. Media Issues – Materials that can cause sensor issues. User Error:…


General Media Guide

There are often questions about what media to use for what application. This is an informational post that will be a good foundation for helping users decide what material to use. Digital Media is comprised of three basic parts: a topcoat, an adhesive layer, and a carrier sheet. Each component will determine use and effect…