VersaWorks – Settings in More Detail

Let’s go into more detail with each Tab in the Settings window:

LAYOUT: The MEDIA SETTINGS: Size is most commonly set to “CustomRoll.” See “CustomCUT” below for another use of this choice. The “GET MEDIA WIDTH” button polls the printer for actual printable width. Make sure this is done before changing any settings. It is best practivce to scale in the design software, but some software does not allow for large actual size design [early versions of Adobe Illustrator.] Scaling factors are entered here.

NOTE ON “FIT TIO MEDIA SIZE” & “CENTER ON MEDIA”: Both of these boxes use the polled media size to set scale and location of the print on the media. Keep in mind that printable media size is dependent on the location of the pinch rollers – which are infinitly slidable and not precisely repositionable. It is advised to not use these buttons until you fully understand how this can create cutting and scaling errors – and difficult repeatability.

CUSTOM CUT: CustomCut allows VersaWorks to operate on a “sheet size” basis. This is useful for two workflows in particular – Large qualtity decal runs, and TU2 opperation in a Print/Cut workflow. By grouping a job by sheet size – the job can print then cut in shorter lengths – providing accuracy or allowing the take-up reel to operate in a print/cut workflow. For details on using CustomCut – keep an eye on this space for future posts.

VARIABLE DATA: Using specially named spot colors and a specially created data file – this function will become active when these spot colors are present in the file. This tab will allow the data file to be linked and multiple instances of the file to be created for each data entry record. The spot colors must start their names with “VDP_” – Variable Data Printing. Each variable name [suggest naming in all lower case] follows. The data file should start with a line/record of each full data name [VDP_name] followed by a tab – ending the line with [ENTER]. The next line should be each actual data [i.e. Bob Jones] etc. matching order of first line. Keep an eye on this space for a more detailed tutorial.

SPECIAL COLORS: This tab allows for tighter control of White, Metallic, Gloss, Primer if the machine is so equipped. For this tab to be active the mode must be chosen in the Quality tab first. Keep an eye on this space for a more detailed tutorial in the future.